Tag Archives: Importance of B12

B12: Celebs Say it’s the New C

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It’s been called the “morning after” shot.  It’s used by celebrities to recuperate after an evening of partying and paparazzi.  Politicians rely on this vitamin to keep them in their prime.  What is this wonder drug, you ask?  No, it’s not vitamin C. Justin Timberlake and Madonna both say they get their stamina from regular […]

Don’t be a Glutton for Gluten

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Today’s health food stores stock a wide variety of goods to meet the needs of every diet known to mankind- low fat, low sugar, processed-free, nondairy, low carb, high protein…but what gives with gluten-free? Gluten is a protein found in grain products such as wheat, spelt and barley, among others.  Patients of celiac disease, a […]

B-Gone, Heart Disease

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A study published in Stroke: Journal of the American Heart Association suggests that regular intake of vitamin B12, vitamin B6 and B9 (folate) can prevent premature death of heart disease and stroke. The Japanese study proves that women who eat foods enriched vitamin B12, vitamin B6, and folate are less likely to suffer heart attack […]

Diabetics, Take Heed

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A new study released by the British Medical Journal (BMJ) warns diabetics who take metformin to get their blood checked regularly for vitamin deficiencies, particularly B12. Sold under the brand name of Glucophage, metformin is often prescribed to patients who suffer from type 2 diabetes.  Metformin increases the body’s receptiveness to insulin while, at the […]

B12 Vitamin’s Chemical Functions

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The B12 vitamin has an extremely intricate relationship with the body’s chemical balances and thus its healthy function. There are a number of ways in which it protects and supports a variety of chemical interactions necessary for a normal quality of living and even survival. This short guide will introduce you to the basics of […]

B12 Vitamin Food sources, Deficiency and Vegeterianism

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Vitamin B12’s primary functions are in the formation of red blood cells, DNA synthesis and the maintenance of the nervous system. If B12 deficiency occurs, DNA production is disrupted and abnormal cells called megaloblasts manifest, which results in anemia. B12 protect the nerves which are surrounded by an insulating fatty sheath called the myelin. B12 […]

B12 Deficiency and Pernicious anemia

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Pernicious anemia (also known as Biermer’s anemia, Addison’s anemia, or Addison-Biermer anemia) is a form of megaloblastic anemia which occurs due to a vitamin B12 deficiency. It is most often caused by impaired absorption of vitamin B12 in the GI tract due to the absence of intrinsic factor in the setting of atrophic gastritis, and […]

B12 and Tinnitus

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When it comes to nerves and nerve conduction vitamin B-12 plays a special role. One of the reasons the body needs this nutrient is to manufacture myelin, the fatty sheath that wraps around nerve fibers, insulating them and allowing them to conduct their electrical impulses at a better pace. A vitamin B12 deficiency can also raise blood levels […]

Vitamin B12: Important Nutrient

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Vitamin B12 is one of the very most important nutrients we get from animal foods. Vitamin B12 is a compound that is red in color because of the presence of cobalt. Absorption of Vitamin B12 is a complex process which can be problematic for many. For it to be absorbed effectively, B12 attaches to a protein known as […]

Are you taking Vitamin B12?

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More than 70% of people over the age of 50 are thought to suffer from some form of vitamin b12 deficiency.  When this occurs your body is being deprived of an essential vitamin.  B12 is needed in order for your body to make red blood cells.  Therefore when your body does not have enough vitamin […]