Vitamins that benefit people with schizophrenia or bipolar: For some who suffer depression, anxiety disorder, or symptoms of schizophrenia, vitamin deficiencies, such as vitamin B12 deficiency or low vitamin D may be an influencing factor. In several studies, scientists have noted profound results when patients of behavioral health disorders such as bipolar, clinical depression, […]
Tag Archives: Importance of B12
Vitamin Deficiencies can drive you Crazy- Seriously! Part 1
Published on:Vitamins that benefit people with schizophrenia or bipolar: For some who suffer depression, anxiety disorder, or symptoms of schizophrenia, vitamin deficiencies, such as vitamin B12 deficiency or low vitamin D may be an influencing factor. In several studies, scientists have noted profound results when patients of behavioral health disorders such as bipolar, clinical depression, or schizophrenia […]
Avoiding Vitamin B12 Deficiency while Breast Feeding
Published on:If you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, it’s important to know your vitamin B12 levels, in order to avoid vitamin B12 deficiency, which can cause harm to your baby and also make you feel severe fatigue, depression, and early symptoms of nerve damage. What is Vitamin B12? Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble nutrient which your […]
“I’ve heard of the X Factor and Fear Factor…But what’s Intrinsic Factor?”
Published on:What is intrinsic factor, and how does it affect my vitamin B12 levels? Here are some facts about digesting vitamin B12 wit intrinsic factor, and why you might not be. No, it’s not a new television show about bonding with your inner child- Intrinsic factor is an essential antibody which allows you to […]
B12 Deficiency: Don’t Ignore the Symptoms
Published on:Vitamin B12 deficiency can start with a few symptoms like tiredness and slight tingling or numbness in hands and feet; ignore the symptoms and low B12 levels could escalate into severe nerve damage, disease or death. What are the symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency? Below is a list of some of the most […]
Vitamin B12 for Healthy Hair, Skin and Nails
Published on:B12 vitamins are essential for health hair, strong nails and clearer skin, according to certain studies. Learn how vitamin B12 supplements can prevent age-related hair loss and premature whitening. Vitamin B12 info: Vitamin B12 is found in many high protein foods; great sources of B12 are lean beef, chicken, shellfish, eggs and dairy products. Vitamin […]
Worried about Low B12 Lab Results?
Published on:Did your recent lab work point to vitamin B12 deficiency? A low vitamin B12 blood test is serious. Symptoms of B12 deficiency can include nerve damage, loss of red blood cells, and mood disorders. What is vitamin B12? Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble nutrient which your body extracts from food sources such as […]
B12 Deficiency can really Get on your Nerves
Published on:Vitamin B12 deficiency, if left unchecked, can cause severe nerve damage, say health experts. Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin which is essential for a healthy nervous system. B12 strengthens the communication between the brain and the body’s many nerve sensors, such as fingers, toes and tongue, assuring quick brain-body response time and effective sensory reactions. […]
Teens are No Stranger to Chronic Fatigue
Published on:More teens today suffer chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) than ever before, according to Dutch survey of 900 teens who were diagnosed with chronic fatigue symptoms. Does your teen often complain that she’s too tired to finish her homework, clean her room or clear off the dinner table? She might not be faking it. A survey […]
Benefits and Sources of Vitamin B12, and How to Avoid Deficiency
Published on:In the dark about vitamin B12? There are so many food sources and types of vitamin B that it can get confusing. What exactly is vitamin B12, what are its benefits, and what are the symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency? What is Vitamin B12? Vitamin B12 is a water soluble vitamin which was first discovered when […]