When we suffer from constant chronic fatigue, house work might be the last thing on our mind. How can we be bothered with dirty dishes and piled-up laundry when our bones are aching and we’re too tired to get out of bed each morning? Because the truth is, clutter makes us more tired. […]
Tag Archives: Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue
Vitamin B12 Deficiency and Fibromyalgia Pain Types
Published on:It’s hard to describe fibromyalgia (FMS) pain, as there are so many different ways that it affects your body. Nerve pain from vitamin B12 deficiency, which occurs often with fibromyalgia, causes numbness and sharp “pins and needles” sensations. Being able to explain fibromyalgia pain to your doctor is essential for finding the right […]
Tired All the Time? 30 Likely Causes of Daytime Fatigue
Published on:Are you always tired, day in, day out? If you’ve been experiencing constant fatigue that doesn’t go away, you might need to see a doctor, pronto. It’s possible that vitamin B12 supplements, a change in diet, or prescription medication will get your energy levels back to normal. Here’s a quick rundown of 30 […]
In the Search for a Fibromyalgia Doctor, Start Here
Published on:If you suffer from fibromyalgia, then you need a doctor who specializes in chronic pain. When choosing a fibromyalgia doctor, it’s important to ask the right questions from the get-go. Here are some helpful tips for finding a fibromyalgia doctor that meets your expectations. Fibromyalgia is hard, finding a doctor is harder… Fibromyalgia […]
Is Chronic Fatigue your Middle Name? Maybe it’s…
Published on:Does it seem like chronic fatigue follows you around like a sick puppy? It’s not your imagination. You could have chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), or one of several other maladies whose symptoms include constant tiredness, brain drain, and general achiness. What is chronic fatigue? Try this: find a stairwell, run up and down […]
Chronically Pained? Here’s your Essential Chronic Pain Checklist…
Published on:Managing chronic pain can feel like an uphill battle- if you suffer from chronic headaches, fibromyalgia, arthritis, or all of the above, then you’re probably doing all you can to prevent flare-ups, fight constant fatigue, and relieve achy joints, stomach cramps, and sore muscles. Just so that you don’t forget, check out this […]
10 Fibromyalgia-Friendly Exercises that Boost Energy- You can do it!
Published on:Living with fibromyalgia is a delicate task of balancing energy– spending it wisely, and increasing it in any way possible. In addition to taking extra vitamins like vitamin B12 for boosting stamina, you should also include fibromyalgia-approved exercises in your chronic pain relief regimen. Here are some energy-boosting workouts that won’t wear you out… […]
15 Chronic Pain Myths- Debunked!
Published on:There are many myths surrounding chronic pain like vitamin B12 deficiency neuropathy, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue; in coping with pain symptoms, it’s important to be able to separate fact from fiction. Here are some common myths you might have heard recently, and the facts. Myth #1: Vitamin B12 is useless in coping with chronic pain. […]
10 Celebrities with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Published on:Chronic fatigue syndrome is not yuppie flu, nor is it an imaginary disease- chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is an autoimmune disorder that causes debilitating chronic pain, perpetual exhaustion, dizziness, and low immunity for no apparent reason. Some chronic fatigue sufferers, such as author Laura Hillenbrand, were first diagnosed with CFS at a young […]
Chronic Pain and Acute Pain- What’s the Difference, anyways?
Published on:What’s the difference between chronic pain and acute pain? That’ a question many pain patients have when relating pain symptoms like muscular pain, joint stiffness, or migraine headaches to their physicians. Some fundamental differences between acute pain and chronic pain involve causes, patterns, and pain treatment. “Let me not beg for the stilling […]