Individuals with compromised absorption in their GI tract face a series of issues concerning their quality of life. As has been discussed before, impaired absorption in the stomach and the intestines results in vitamin and mineral deficiencies, which compromises one’s health and often causes existing medical conditions to worsen. Many individuals suffer with a number of symptoms of mineral/vitamin deficiency, starting from minor aches and pains, leading to affected mood in the form of depression and anxiety, and even to damage of neural and organ tissues. More so, research seems to indicate that individuals with impaired absorption are more likely to be overweight.
A number of causes may lay behind the extra weight carried by individuals with a compromised system of absorption. The most likely explanation is that the body tries to compensate for the lacking nutrients by increasing the feeling of hunger and forcing the individual to self-medicate using food. The absorption is not increased by the extra calorie intake however, and the waste products may begin to compact in the intestines causing further weight gain, bloating, absorption issues and general physical malaise.
Although supplementation may still be necessary for these individuals, there is hope to dealing with the unruly digestive system. A change of dietary habits and specific intake of certain foods may not only increase your metabolism and general well being, but as well boost the absorption throughout the GI tract. Try adding a number of the following items to your dietary schedule for better mineral/vitamin intake and a health boost for your system.
Vitamin C – Add this in fresh form, using citrus fruits and other C rich foods. Vitamin C helps increase the absorption of Chromium, Zinc and Iron. Other foods that contain Vitamin C: Red and Green Peppers, Tomatoes and Broccoli.
Ginger – adding ginger to your diet can help digestive movement through the stomach and the stimulation of digestive enzymes.
Mint –mint aids digestion by stimulating the flow of bile to the stomach as well as calming the muscles of the digestive system.
Avoid drinking tea with your meal – although tea has many health benefits, it shouldn’t be imbibed with meals. Tea contains caffeine and can interfere with iron absorption. This is particularly bad for women who tend to have lower levels of iron. Avoid drinking tea for an hour either side of a meal.
Some other foods that aid digestion – pineapple (contains Bromelain), papaya (contains Papain), figs, licorice and bean sprouts all aid digestion and help the absorption of needed nutrients.