Category Archives: Research studies

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Lessons from history

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B12 is an exceptional vitamin. It is required in smaller amounts than any other known vitamin. Ten micrograms of B12 spread over a day appears to supply as much as the body can use. In the absence of any apparent dietary supply, deficiency symptoms usually take five years or more to develop in adults, though […]

Getting an adequate amount of B12

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National recommendations for B12 intakes vary significantly from country to country. The US recommended intake is 2.4 mcgs a day for ordinary adults rising to 2.8 mcgs for nursing mothers. The German recommendation is 3 mcgs a day. Recommended intakes are usually based on 50% absorption, as this is typical for small amounts from foods. […]

B12 Deficit May Boost Risk of Birth Defects

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Women who are vegans and vegetarians most affected, study says MONDAY, March 2 (HealthDay News) — Women who do not have enough vitamin B12 in their blood before and after conception have a greater chance of having a baby with brain or spinal cord defects, a new study says. Most at risk may be vegans […]

Low levels of vitamin B12 may increase risk for defects

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WASHINGTON, March 2 — Children born to women who have low blood levels of vitamin B12 shortly before and after conception may have an increased risk of a neural tube defect, a new study says. Women with the lowest B12 levels had five times the risk of having a child with a neural tube defect […]

Symptoms of B12 deficiency

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Clinical deficiency can cause anaemia or nervous system damage. Most vegans consume enough B12 to avoid clinical deficiency. Two subgroups of vegans are at particular risk of B12 deficiency: long-term vegans who avoid common fortified foods (such as raw food vegans or macrobiotic vegans) and breastfed infants of vegan mothers whose own intake of B12 […]

Is there a vegan alternative to B12-fortified foods and supplements?

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If for any reason you choose not to use fortified foods or supplements you should recognize that you are carrying out a dangerous experiment – one that many have tried before with consistently low levels of success. If you are an adult who is neither breast-feeding an infant, pregnant nor seeking to become pregnant, and […]

Vitamin B12 Key to Aging Brain

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Deficiency led to more brain shrinkage, study shows (HealthDay News) — Older individuals with low levels of vitamin B12 seem to be at increased risk of having brain atrophy or shrinkage, new research suggests. Brain atrophy is associated with Alzheimer’s disease and impaired cognitive function. Although the study, published in the Sept. 8 issue of […]

Testing B12 status

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A blood B12 level measurement is a very unreliable test for vegans, particularly for vegans using any form of algae. Algae and some other plant foods contain B12-analogues (false B12) that can imitate true B12 in blood tests while actually interfering with B12 metabolism. Blood counts are also unreliable as high folate intakes suppress the […]

Vitamin B12 deficiency common among elderly people

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NEW YORK, NY. Researchers at Columbia University have confirmed that elderly people often suffer from a lack of vitamin B12 (cobalamin). The deficiency is usually only discovered when patients develop megaloblastic anaemia. However, before this stage is reached, cobalamin-deficient individuals may develop neuropsychiatric damage and show signs of disorientation and confusion. The researchers evaluated 548 […]

An Open Letter from Health Professionals and Vegan Organizations

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What Every Vegan Should Know about Vitamin B12 Very low B12 intakes can cause anemia and nervous system damage. The only reliable vegan sources of B12 are foods fortified with B12 (including some plant milks, some soy products and some breakfast cereals) and B12 supplements. Vitamin B12, whether in supplements, fortified foods, or animal products, […]