Does loss of libido get you down? Is your sex drive too low? You may need to increase your uptake of vitamin B12, which promotes a healthy libido and provide numerous other benefits that help to sustain your sex organs. Here are some ways that vitamin B12 and other essential B vitamins can boost your libido and increase energy!
Boost your Metabolism with Vitamin B12
B vitamins help to regulate your sex organs; vitamin B12 and other essential B-complex vitamins impact the number of sex hormones released by the body and also promote good fertilization for couples wishing to plan a family.
Each specific B vitamin offers your body something different in regard to your overall health as well as your sex health.
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 deficiency is directly linked with a decrease in sex drive, depression, and difficulty conceiving a baby, so it makes sense to increase vitamin B12 and other B vitamins when your libido is sagging.
Vitamin B12 protects and maintains the nervous system, and enhances intercellular communication. All this adds up to a quick and direct response to sexual stimuli. In contrast, people with low vitamin B12 levels have slow, sluggish reflexes.
Vitamin B12 also aids in fertility, as we have seen many males suffering from vitamin B12 deficiency who complain of impotence.
Vitamin B12 aids digestion and absorption of food, which in turn results in more energy and a healthy libido.
Hence, lack of libido and a diminished sex life could be the consequence of a depleted level of vitamin B12.
Lethargy and fatigue are common symptoms of a Vitamin B12 deficiency. This in turn leads to “sex deprivation” — because the body needs more sleep and rest, not sex.
Vitamin B1
Vitamin B1 is important to keep the nerves finely tuned ensuring optimal transmission of signals for appropriate responses. It enhances circulation, which allows blood to flow not only to your heart but below the belt as well.
This B vitamin also boosts energy levels and optimizes healthy brain functioning. It also has antioxidant affects, which can protect our bodies from aging. The younger we feel and look, the more confident and sexy we are.
Vitamin B2
Vitamin B2 assists with the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in maintaining a healthy weight. It facilitates the use of oxygen by the tissues of our hair, skin and nails keeping us looking young, vibrant and sexy. How’s that for a libido booster?
Vitamin B3
Vitamin B3 increases the blood flow to the skin and nerve endings. This is in itself a form of stimulus. For women, this can increase the libido exponentially. Vitamin B3 generates healthy skin and proper circulation, which can actually help to enhance tactile sensations, lending more excitement to intimate touch. Additionally, the synthesis of sex hormones is affected by Vitamin B3, and can help to lower bad cholesterol.
Vitamin B5
Vitamin B5 affects the production of the adrenal hormones. Stress reduction is aided by Vitamin B5, and we can all agree that less stress can help put you in the right mood. Without proper adrenal function, your stamina may be lowered; libido may be reduced, which may make one feel more stressed. Furthermore, you sweat more profusely with very little physical activity, which can be a sexual turn off for many.
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 is an effective libido enhancer, particularly for women. It can aid in the reduction of symptoms of PMS. It also acts as a mild diuretic. Feeling bloated, or moody, can really ruin the atmosphere for intimacy, so make sure you’re getting enough vitamin B6!
Vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 help to reduce cholesterol by protecting the heart muscle from a chemical called homocysteine, which leads to heavy cholesterol deposits.
A healthy heart reduces your chances for sex problems such as low libido and erectile dysfunction, so include lots of libido-healthy B vitamins in your daily diet!
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Image courtesy of Ambro/freedigitalphotos