Good news for vitamin B12 users- you might have discovered the secret to the Fountain of Youth! Vitamin B-12 is the preferred health supplement of Jack Lindsley, who just celebrated his 100th birthday. Find out what makes this B vitamin one of the best nutrients for old age in your pharmacy.
Here’s Your Brain on B12 Deficiency- Memory Loss and Aging
Do you know Jack?
Jack Lindsley is a 100-year-old D-day veteran who just celebrated his birthday. He has served in World War II, married the love of his life, and worked in the postal service for 28 years. After his wife passed away in 1990, this retired firefighter dedicated his life to volunteer work.
Walk into the Doylestown, Pennsylvania hospital mailroom, and you’ll find Jack smiling and joking with other mailroom attendants while patiently sorting the mail. “The most pleasant man to be around,” Jack Lindsley has an infectious personality and a talent for dispensing good old-fashioned advice…
Feed your Brain Something You’ll never Forget
So what’s his secret Fountain of Youth?
Jack eats plenty of foods high in B12.
“I do cooking to my liking. Breakfast could be all three meals – I like bacon, eggs, and pancakes.” Meat, fish, cheese, and eggs- these are all food sources that are rich in vitamin B12. Jack also likes cooking meatloaf- another dish high in vitamin B12.
As far as healthy living routines go, Jack swears by his old standbys- aspirin and vitamin B12 supplements every day.
What makes vitamin B12 the best anti-aging vitamin?
- Vitamin B12 is essential for a healthy metabolism, as it helps your body convert fat into energy.
- Vitamin B12 is good for your heart. B12 lowers your homocysteine levels, thus decreasing your chances of suffering from a heart attack or stroke.
Vitamin B12 supports cognitive functioning. Scientists discovered that vitamin B12 promotes healthy brain mass. Older individuals who take extra doses of vitamin B12 receive the benefits of good memory skills, mental focus, and overall peace of mind. They are also less likely to experience symptoms of aging, such as forgetfulness, mood disorders, and confusion.
- Vitamin B12 sustains hair growth. By avoiding B12 deficiency, you reduce your chances of symptoms of aging like premature baldness and hair whitening. Vitamin B12 also promotes skin elasticity, for fewer wrinkles.
- Vitamin boosts energy. When your vitamin B12 levels run dry, you feel increasingly fatigued, depressed, disoriented, and confused. By taking regular vitamin B12 supplements, you avoid getting vitamin B12 deficiency, and guarantee normal energy levels and mental clarity.
- Vitamin B12 supports bone health. In a scientific study, elderly individuals who had the highest levels of vitamin B12 in their blood experienced significantly lower levels of bone loss than those who had the lowest levels of B12.
Read more about vitamin B12 and symptoms of aging:
Vitamin B12 and your Bones- Osteoporosis from B12 Deficiency
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Hospital volunteer celebrates 100th birthday
Closing out his first century, and still volunteering in Bucks
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