Don’t put up with pain- Get a grip! Here are some handy household gadgets that help chronic pain sufferers.

Whether you suffer from rheumatoid arthritis or another kind of chronic pain, you appreciate all the help you can get- anything to make life’s daily chores a bit easier on your aching knuckles, neck, and back. Some of life’s greatest treasures are everyday gadgets that help us open jars, cans, and bottles without pain. Does reaching over your head to grab a can of tomatoes make you whimper with pain? We’ve got a solution for that, along with many other useful pain management tools.
Below are 15 household tools which will help you get the job done without pain:
Stop clenching your computer mouse in an unnatural position. The Airobic Quill mouse is ergonomically designed to reduce tension, ease pain, and prevent carpal tunnel syndrome. $87.49. Free shipping.
Bad posture is one of the greatest sources of chronic pain. The Ergonomic Arm Support keeps your arm in a relaxed position while clicking away on the internet and attaches easily to your office chair. $34.95.
#3 PikStik Pro – Pik Stik All Purpose Reach/Grabber 48″ Orange
This snappy grabby will help you reach any object in sight…and a few that are out of sight! Use it to snag packaged goods off the grocery shelf, to retrieve dropped items, or to root around an overhead kitchen cabinet. Excellent for individuals undergoing chronic pain treatment. $19.86.
#4 Oxo Good Grips Smooth Edge Can Opener
Just as the name implies, this rubber-handled can opener let you get a good grip for easier handling. The Oxo Smooth Edge can opener leaves a nice smooth edge while cutting, so you won’t have to worry about nicking your fingers later. All-in-all, it’s a pain-free kitchen device! $19.99.
#5 Black & Decker Lids-Off Jar Opener
Amazon customers rave over the way the Black & Decker Lids-Off Jar Opener has taken the strain and effort out of opening stubborn jar covers. With the simple ease of pressing a button you can open even the heaviest of pickle jars up to 4 ½ “diameter and 8” in height. $29.99.
Arthritis and chronic pain sufferers can easily open a variety of different-sized jars with this rubber-lined tool. Available in blue or black. $6.99.
#7 Jokari 3 in 1 Beverage Opener
Quickly and painlessly, snap open a can of soda. Even 2-liter bottles of soda and glass beer bottles are not match for the Jokari 3 in 1 opener. For $3.99, you can get one for every room of the house.
#8 Lid Punch™
Sometimes, getting a jar open is just a matter of releasing the vacuum seal. This little device makes a tiny, pinpoint hole in the jar lid, thus releasing pressure and allowing you to open it smoothly. Included are magnetic hole stoppers. $14.99.
#9 Tweezerman Expert Touch Gel Grip Tweezer
Tweezerman is the leading manufacturer of quality personal care implements, including their well-loved precision tweezers. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that they developed this wide-handled soft-grip set of tweezers for arthritic individuals and others with chronic pain syndrome. $22.00.
#10 Easy-Grip Fingernail Clippers
The wide ergonomically designed handles make it easier for arthritis pain sufferers to utilize the Easy-Grip Fingernail clippers. $18.95.
Arthritis patients who have a limited range of motion will appreciate this 15 ¾ inch personal wand. Featuring a soft rubber handle and a quick-release button for disposal of bathroom tissue or cleansing wipes, the toilet tissue aid allows you full discretion. $12.98.
When you have to get up from that comfortable chair, at least you can do it painlessly and without stressing your lower back. The Uplift Power Seat supports 100% of your weight, up to 300 pounds. For indoor use, adjacent to a power source. $219.95.
Keep your poker face and give your hands a break; the Playing Card Holder lets you play bridge, poker, or Go Fish without causing any unnecessary strain on your knuckles. Get one for each of your mates, as well! $5.95.
#14 Steady Write Pen
The triangular shape of this writing aid allows for a more ergonomically friendly writing experience. $8.00
Do you have difficulty opening and closing small buttons? Chronic pain treatment professionals suggest using a thick-handled button tool, which allows you the freedom to dress independently. The Button Aid is beneficial for individuals with neck pain, weak hand muscles, sore joints, and poor motor development. $5.95.
For more information on treating chronic pain or fibromyalgia, please read:
100 Best Sites for Fibromyalgia or Chronic Fatigue Information
Suffering from Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue? B12 to the Rescue!
Why More Fibromyalgia Patients are Taking Tai Chi
How to Tell if Chronic Pain is Fibromyalgia: 18 Pressure Points