4 Causes of Cognitive Decline in Middle-Aged Adults

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So, you think you’re too young for memory loss? According to reports, even mild vitamin B12 deficiency and stress can result in cognitive decline, or “brain fog” in adults under the age of 50. By understanding the risk factors that contribute to brain fatigue, disorientation, memory loss and other symptoms of early dementia, you can learn how to slow down the effects of cognitive decline and restore mental clarity.

4 Causes of Cognitive Decline in Middle-Aged Adults- B12 Patch

What is brain fog?

It’s normal to feel tired after a particularly stressful ordeal, but if overwhelming fatigue seems to follow you around for days, weeks, and months- if you feel like you’re in a haze, and have trouble remembering things or concentrating on a regular basis, then you may be experiencing symptoms of early cognitive decline.

Memory loss, chronic fatigue, trouble making quick decisions, forgetfulness, mental slowness, and mood swings are all symptoms that sometimes indicate a breakdown in cognitive skills.

But I’m too Young for Memory Loss…Right?

Listed below are four common risk factors for dementia-like symptoms.

B12 deficiency

Vitamin B12 is one of the most essential brain nutrients, and we have seen countless examples of a deficiency in vitamin B12 causing problems all over the nervous system.

For one, vitamin B12 helps to protect your neurons from harm while also promoting healthy intercellular communication throughout the peripheral and central nervous system.

Vitamin B12 is also needed for red blood cell production. When vitamin B12 levels are low, oxygen-carrying hemoglobin levels also plummet, resulting in insufficient oxygen to the brain.

In oft-cited scientific studies, researchers have noted a direct link between low vitamin B12 and increased risk for age-related dementia caused by brain atrophy.

Memory Loss Tips and Tricks for the B12 Deficient

Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency that impair cognitive skills include:

  • Chronic fatigue
  • Memory loss
  • Dizziness
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Brain fog
  • Poor concentration
  • Paranoia
  • Difficulty remembering numbers


According to a UK study which followed over seven thousand test subjects, scientists observed increased impairment of global cognition and executive function in cigarette smokers, versus non-smokers, leading researchers to conclude that smoking increases one’s risk for early-onset dementia.


Overweight individuals suffering from hypertension are extremely high risk factors for age-related dementia, according to a study which focused on over six thousand middle-aged adults.

Aging begins at 45- Tips on how to Prevent Early Memory Loss


Many scientists also believe that psychosocial stress can increase your risk for cognitive decline, particularly in obese patients, attributing high cortisol levels to impaired memory skills.

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